17-04-2010: Domen Kozar v0.3.6 ------------------------------ * added `strip_prefix` parameter to :func:`minwebhelpers.base_link` 28-09-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.5 ------------------------------ * added `timestamp` parameter [thanks to bobf] 10-06-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.4 ------------------------------ * finally refactored custom cssutils serializer, threw out some stuff and fixed bugs. 10-06-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.3 ------------------------------ * fix compatibility with Windows platform (os.path) 09-06-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.2 ------------------------------ * added `combined_filename` parameter * fixed a bug when two paths were similar and resulted in IOError 22-05-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.1 ------------------------------ * updated documentation * added `beaker_kwargs` option to both function that overrides default caching behaviour * fixed a bug when paths were not joined correctly * written unittests 04-05-2009: Domen Kozar v0.3.0 ------------------------------ * fixed a bug when sources were not invalidated (in cache) on startup * complete refactoring 16-04-2009: Domen Kozar v0.2.1 ------------------------------ * replaced deprecated rails functions with new webhelpers.html package * added invalidate_on_startup=True argument to beaker.cache 02-02-2007: Pedro Algarvio v0.2.0 --------------------------------- * Included the fix implemented on [110], wasn't included on trunk. * Skip minification/combination when requesting builtin javascripts.